Help! I can’t stop making these! 

Seriously, these flowers are so easy to make, they are addicting! Once I got the first one down I was on a roll. I just kept making them while watching shows, and before I knew it I had over a dozen of them!
I basically followed this tutorial, except I didn’t glue mine, I hand stitched them in place instead. Usually I avoid hand stitching like the plague. But since all the stitches are mostly hidden I was very messy and just made it up as I went along. Also, I really like how they are supposed to be imperfect, with the frayed edges and such. I l-o-v-e projects that don’t require precision!Here’s the basics of how to make them:

Just start with a strip of fabric (all of mine were different sizes, I didn’t measure at all, yay!) this is also a great project for using up scraps.
--notice the band aid, one more reason I avoid sewing by hand, needle injuries are inevitable. I need to pick up a thimble.

Then, thread a needle, knot the end, and take a stitch of two through the back of the knotted fabric.
Then you’re ready to start twisting the fabric-loosely or tightly, varying, whatever- and wrapping it around the center knot in a spiral.

Stitch the surrounding loop of fabric to the center knot. Then as you continue to twist and wrap, stitch the fabric to edge of the next inner loop.
Sounds complicated but you’ll end up with something like this on the back. (I used the yellow one with white thread so you can see the stitches easily) You can do it with less stitches too.

They make great corsage pins for accessorizing shirts!
And I want to try some out as hair clips or as part of a headband. Not sure if I can pull that off, pretty trendy for me.
I love tons of different color combinations. So I’m not sure which ones to cluster together and which ones to leave separate.
Maybe I’ll leave them all separate with pin backs on all of them, So I can always mix and match.
What do you think? Which combos are the best?
Hey send some to me! These are really cute, I like the white ones, they would look really cute pinned onto a hat.
Those are all so stinking adorable! I think I like ones with prints best!
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